
Though there are no open wars now, there is plenty of tension between the governments, with the PRC and ITA on one side and the UDS and EU on the other, mainly in regards of the definition of sapience.  The PRC and ITA see Neo-Sapients, AI as property and not people.

Although no one believes the Orbers publicly about the nature of the Orb, since no government has taken responsibility for its existence either publicly or covertly, many governments believe there is some truth to their explanation

The Message Board is here:
You will need to Create an AIMOO ID
Those of you who had an AIMOO ID for Blood and Wine can simply rename their AIMOO ID to your new character name in the Profile section.

Every so often, those who post to the board will be e-mailed telling them they have earned an extra Skill Pick or extra Pick due to their experience. Sometimes you will be e-mailed saying you have acquired a new Flaw as well, if the context of the post justifies it. (As in, you gamble and lose a lot of money in New Las Vegas in a post, you may see Debt show up as a flaw if you couldn’t pay up)

The MIDI on this page is “Dirty Laundry”