The Cult of the Orb When mining began on Luna, a large (1/2 mile diameter) Orb made of an unidentifiable substance was uncovered about a mile beneath Luna’s surface. Those who spent at least a month in the presence of the Orb swore that the object “talked” to them, though no one who hadn’t been exposed could hear this, and no transmissions were monitored from it. Those it spoke to began to develop strange psionic powers, and almost worship it. Eventually the orb was brought completely to the surface, to be initially transported back to Earth for study, but the Orbers (the name the populace quickly gave the cult) hijacked the ship and moved it out to Neptune orbit. Oddly enough, no criminal charges were filed, and soon, the Orbers were building Exodus II, a large space habitat, around the Orb.
Orbers believe it was an alien intelligence that made the Orb, and it will one day direct them to leave the System entirely. The Orb is in a shielded chamber at the center of Exodus II, and is visited daily by all of the residents of the station. The Orb is shielded to prevent “nonbelievers” from being exposed to the Orb. The general populace believe the Orb is man-made, some strange military experiment gone wrong.
The MIDI on this page is the theme from X-Files.