Molly Coddle (NPC) Upgraded: Neko Nationality: EU, Tour Guide at Moondust Casino, Luna Reno Age: 27 ST: 11 DX: 12 IQ: 11 HT: 11 Panimmunity, Attractive, Fur, Claws, Prehensile Tail, Contacts (Merchant Skill 12, Streetwise Skill 15,) Somewhat reliable, Penetrating Voice, Teeth level 1, Ally (Tony, Bouncer @ Moondust), Charisma level 1, Acute Vision level 2, Acute Hearing level 2, Claim to Hospitality (Moondust Casino), Independent Income level 1, Cultural Familiarity (EU, UDS)
Greed, Duty to Moondust Casino, Guilt complex, Congenial, Purrs, Imaginative, Likes to appear mysterious, Incompetence: Cooking