Sunomo AI - Cybershell ST: 6 DX: 12 IQ: 13 HT: 10 Nationality: PRC (manufactured by Sony/Bandai, UDS) Age: 4 AI Meta-Trait (Digital Mind, Photographic Memory, Lightning Calculator, Absolute Timing, Doesn’t Sleep, Intuitive Mathematician, Reprogrammable) Machine Meta-Trait (Immune to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (No Blood, Unliving), Catfall, Appearance Attractive “Off the Shelf”, Damage Resistance Level 1, Modular Abilities (4 Chip Slots), Perfect Balance*, Affliction (Stun) Level 1, Penetrating Voice, Accessory (link to base station), Cultural Familiarity (PRC, UDS, Christian)
Unhealing, Maintenance Required, Inconvienent Size, Reduced Move, Cannot travel more than 30 miles from base station, Social Stigma (considered property in PRC), Compulsive Cheerfulness, Easy to Read, Discliplines of Faith (Christian), Devoted to Xiao, Wants everyone to be her friend, Enjoys dancing and karaoke, Nosy, Occasionally sprinkles Japanese words into her English speech