Be aware you’ll have to explain to the GM why you have each of these advantages, so have a good reason in mind when you pick things, and “because it’s neat” never works as a reason.
Those familiar with GURPS will note that 1 point advantages cost 0 Picks but must be balanced by Quirks (max. 5 of these), advantages 2-4 points cost 1/2 a Pick, 5-14 points cost 1 Pick and any advantages that cost 15-30 points cost 2 Picks. Advantages costing more than 30 are only allowed with GM approval.
Absolute Timing Acute Hearing level 1 or 2 Acute Taste and Smell level 1 or 2 Acute Vision level 1 or 2 Appearance - Attractive (“Off the Shelf”) looks Arm ST +1 (one arm) Breath Holding level 2 Contact (any one skill, Skill 21) Contact (any 2 skills, Skill 15) Extended Lifespan level 1 or 2 Fearlessness level 1 or 2 G-Experience level 2, 3 or 4 Hard to Kill level 1 or 2 Hard to Subdue level 1 or 2 Independent Income level 1 or 2 Less Sleep level 1 Lightning Calculator Longevity Nictitating Membrane level 1 or 2 Night Vision level 2, 3 or 4 Reduced Consumption level 1 or 2 Slippery level 1 Super Climbing level 1 Spines level 1 or 2 Teeth level 1 or 2