General categories for Quirks include but are not limited to the following:
Eating Habits, Collections, Apparel, Sleeping Habits, Physical Quirks. Money & Shopping, Speech Related, Religion Related, Nervous Habits, Other Habits, Superstitious, Mild Mental Disadvantages, Goals, Weapon Related
Some Examples: Eating Habits · Vegetarian 2 days a week, Craves red meat, Sweet tooth, Dislikes chocolate, Hates broccoli Sleeping Habits Like to sleep late, Early riser, Sleeps in the nude, Sleeps in flannel pajamas, Needs soft music in background to get to sleep quickly, Likes to sleep Collections Collects baseball cards, Collects stamps, Collects a weapon from defeated opponents. Fandom Fan of Jenny Longitude: the Holovid Star , Thinks college football is the most important sport. Roll tide!, Quotes song lyrics, Fascinated by end-of-the-world novels Money and shopping Greatly enjoys free perks, Dislikes malls and avoids them whenever possible, Always has to stop and shop, no matter the circumstances. Physical Quirks Noticeable Tattoo of [fill in blank] on [fill in body part], Hair dyed [color], Sneezes extra loud, Noticeable birthmark Speech Accent, Sometimes speaks of self in 3rd person, Mutters poetry under his breath, Never uses contractions Religious Frequently quotes scripture, Tithes regularly, Insists on a prayer before every meal. Nervous Habits Rarely passes a mirror without checking his/her hair, Scratches his nose, Always drumming on things, Fiddles with glasses when talking. Other Habits Chases dogs with electrical appliances, Always has a book under arm or in pocket, Carefully opens packages and saves wrapping paper, Has to critique everything Superstitious Thinks Friday the 13th is lucky, Believes in astrology, Believes all animals can talk to each other Mild Mental Disadvantages (Phobias, Manias, Delusions, Ineptitudes, etc.) Vindictive, Thinks he is a great strategist, Can never remember names, Sees the world in a negative light, Big ego Goals Wants to earn the respect of his teacher, Wants to get enough money to retire comfortably, Wants to become a bartender someday Weapons Wants to handle new weapons that he sees, Conceals minimum of x knifes/guns/small weapons on his person; carries them at all times. Miscellaneous Refuses to delete the body of long posts when replying, Easily confused by game rules, Makes up characters who can’t work with the party, Talks to people in other states or countries via the internet more than to people he sees face-to-face