
This one takes a lot of work unless you’re familiar with GURPS, so contact a GM if you are unfamiliar with the system. If you are, then follow the guidelines that a disadvantage worth between 2 and 4 points gives you an extra 1/2 Pick, one worth 5-14 points gives you 1 extra pick, and a one worth 15 to 30 points is worth 2 picks. disadvantages of more than 30 points need to be approved by a GM before being allowed.

Those of you who are not familiar with GURPS, I’ll work with you on getting these picked but anything that limits  your character is a Flaw, even if it is a “good” thing, like a code of honor or a refusal to kill.

If you wish flaws for your character, look for me (AIM: Devon Clay, Y!: Michale, MSN: [email protected]) or one of my Assistant GM’s (AIM: Beccarents, Helena Corrigan) for help.