Be aware you’ll have to explain to the GM why you have each of these advantages, so have a good reason in mind when you pick things, and “because it’s neat” never works as a reason . Those familiar with GURPS will note that 1 point advantages cost 0 Picks but must be balanced by Quirks (max. 5 of these), advantages 2-4 points cost 1/2 a Pick, 5-14 points cost 1 Pick and any advantages that cost 15-30 points cost 2 Picks. Advantages costing more than 30 are only allowed with GM approval. Note that with multiple level advantages if the GURPS point value would allow more levels and still not be more than 30 points this is an indicator of the maximum level for the campaign.
360 Vision Arm DX +1 (Both Arms) Combat Reflexes Computer Whiz (Talent) Danger Sense Daredevil Dark Vision Discriminatory Hearing Discriminatory Smell Doesn’t Breathe (Cybered can pick this, Machine Meta-trait includes this) Dominance Empathy (Orber only) Extra Attack Gadgeteer Gunslinger Improved G Tolerance level 3 Indomitable Luck level 1 Legal Immunity (Special GM permission only!) Mind Probe (Orber only) Mind Reading (Orber only) Penetrating Vision level 2 Perfect Balance Peripheral Vision Psychometry (Orber only) Precognition (Orber only) Sealed Security Clearance (See GM to define) Smooth Operator (Talent) Unaging (Special GM permission only!) Unfazeable Very Fit Very Rapid Healing Wealthy